My garden would be bigger. I would have an honest to goodness barn divided into sections for my different falconry birds with an aisle down the middle.
Maybe I would have goats.
and I would manage the land. Not for the goats, but for rabbits - and maybe quail or turkey.
Small game would abound.
The interesting thing is that the state wants to support me in my endeavors. NC has sections of their website that is devoted to helping me manage for wildlife.
Here is an excerpt:

Habitat management for rabbits should focus on maximizing screening cover at ground level, providing dense
escape cover to discourage mammalian predators, and providing overhead screening with a minimum of perch
sites to protect rabbits from aerial predators. Many of the techniques discussed earlier under grasslands, croplands,
and idle-area management will provide excellent rabbit habitat. Some other specific techniques are discussed below.
Brush piles bring the quickest response of all management tools. Rabbits
often take over a brush pile the night after construction. Cutting lone
trees and snags that serve as raptor perches will discourage predation
from above and provide materials to develop a brush pile. Place brush
piles close to other cover such as briars, native grasses, fencerows, or
Visit or see Appendix D for links and more information. 49
dense young woodlands. Don’t burn brush piles left from clearing; instead, windrow them in the center of the field
for cover. (See Edge Feathering and Woody Cover Establishment on page 64.)
Create or encourage impenetrable islands of woody or briar cover surrounded by native grasses. This can be accomplished
when clearing land by loosely piling brush or identifying areas of blackberry or greenbrier and planting
native grasses adjacent to them. Windrows should be considered temporary as they melt away after a few years.
Piling brush is an inexpensive way to develop briar, vine and shrub cover. Birds perching on the brush pile will
deposit seeds of many desirable cover plants.
Stands of tall-growing native warm-season grasses typically support good rabbit populations. Switchgrass or Atlantic
coastal panic grass are good choices, if managing specifically for rabbits, because they provide more dense overhead
cover. Properly managed native warm-season grass pastures and hay fields can provide excellent rabbit
habitat. Adjacent fencerows should be protected from grazing, and the larger trees along fencerows should be
killed and felled. The resulting dense growth will provide good rabbit cover.
They have more. Squirrel, turkey, deer, and more. I wonder if your state agencies have something similar?
Oh yeah - I'd also make wine and have a vineyard. Grow grapes, hunt with my bird on my own land. and build a fish pond - a nice big one, with bass and catfish. Grow and eat my own food.
Sounds good.
Hey Doug,
I do believe that is the dream that many of us hold on to, one day my man, one day………..
It could happen. I don't even need a lot of land - 30- 100 acres.
Time to buy lottery tickets
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