Sunday, May 9, 2010

Never thought about it

My parents live in upstate New York. Smack in the middle of their suburban neighborhood, with Starbucks, Applebees, the mall, and Walmart is a sheep farm.

When I was in high school, it was considered a "landmark". As in.... "Take a left at the smelly farm."

I appreciate the farm much more now than I used too. When we visit over Christmas and in the spring, it is a pleasure to see the ewes with their babies wandering the fields. Then, one day, they are miraculously all sheared (shorn?).

A few years back, they added some alpacas to the farm.... I never thought about the shearing process for those. I have some Alpaca clothing, but the process must be different for a bigger animal.

Over at the Beneficial Bee, she has done a great job of explaining the process. A few grown men, some shears, a grinder, and a tarp. It's an involved process.

It seems a lot more involved than I thought.

They even had to trim its teeth.

Check it out.

Something to think about before you go and buy yourself a couple.

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