I went for a short walk the other day. It was a short one, no longer than 15 minutes. With cooler weather moving in, I'm finding that the wander-lust is upon me.
It happens every Fall. I get a yearning to travel, to start something new. This is the time of year I like to walk, to go places. So, a short walk to satisfy this hunger.
It is a well used path, and I saw the normal things. Lots of tracks; deer, fox, raccoon, mountain bike.
There are lots of spiders out this time of year and these are some of my favorite.
Presently, I came across some scat, smack in the middle of the trail. It looked like large dog and being that this is a well traveled path, I didn't think much about it.
As I passed I noticed that it was completely full of hair. I mean, it was completely hair.
My flip flop is a size 10.
Anyone have any ideas? Or is it just domestic dog.
check out this wildlife scat chart
Thanks for the comment. I read Patrick every day and hunt with him a couple times a year with his dogs.
I appreciate the advice. I did finally decide that it was just a big dog.
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