Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What're you doing?

I mentioned in a previous post that I tend to think that this time of year, alot of folks spend their time reflecting and planning.

I got an email the other day, and it looks like we may be able to trap peregrines on their southward migrations this year. Am I excited - heck yeah! But aren't I worried about the endangered falcons? no, their population has exploded to levels well above their pre-DDT numbers. Additionally, With all the falcons that move down our coast every year there is a limited number of birds that we can take.

What do you think 20? 40? How many falcons should the state of NC be allowed?
Well, all together we are allotted a total of three birds a year. That is okay, I'm still thrilled. Now, nothing is set, and it may change, but it is looking good.

Of course, they will choose who get to try and trap those three birds by lottery. Will I be chosen, probably not. But as I am one of the few falconers in the state that lives on a major flyway - Me thinks I might have the opportunity to assist in the trapping of the first peregrines in our state.

So, it is April, and what am I doing?Reflecting and planning.

We've gone out and trapped merlins on the coast before, and yes, we've had peregrines get caught in the nets - only to be quickly released.

Last year there were four of us from across the state. Andrew, Arnaud, Chris, and myself set up along the northern coast after connecting with the right people. We got to the beach as the sun peeked over the horizen,

and started to set our nets.

But this year it may be different. I need to start collecting pigeons. I need a source for starlings. I need to make some pigeon harnesses.

Do I like my net set ups? How can I make it more effective? There is so much for me to think about. So much plannning to do.

I'll keep you posted.

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